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Custom Shaker Cradles

celtic shaker cradle

​​The latest in our growing collection of custom Shaker cradles, this cradle was built for a customer in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. She and several friends chipped in together to have this made for a friend's baby shower.


They requested a cherry cradle with Celtic knot designs carved in the headboard and footboard and sent us the designs they wanted. We adapted them to the cradle, as you can see below.

celtic cradle carving
celtic cradle carving
unfinished aspen shaker cradle

​This cradle is the second cradle we have made for a customer in Massachusetts. When he ordered his first one from us, he was looking for a cradle for his own child. He wanted something he could finish himself, so we built him a cradle made of unfinished aspen. The second cradle he ordered (shown), also of aspen with handcut dovetails, was made for his sister's new baby.

original cedar shaker cradle

​The cradle above is our original model. When we first began adapting and building Shaker cradles in Colorado, we chose western red cedar because of its beautiful figure and availability. Cherry, another beautiful wood, is much more readily available in New England, and it has become our standard wood for our cradles. However, western red cedar still has a special glow.


Laughing Coyote would love to create a custom cradle for you. Besides your choice of woods, we also provide carving of inscriptions, images, or symbols. Please contact us with your ideas, and we'll be happy to give you an estimate. Prices will vary depending upon the wood you'd like and the amount of carving you want done.

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Laughing Coyote Woodworks . 318 Tatro Road . Stamford VT 05352 . Tel 802.753.8204

© 2021 Laughing Coyote Woodworks. All rights reserved.

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